You say happiness, happiness,
why are you frustrated, where will you not find happiness,
in vain he wanders in the middle of the desert looking for the hope of happiness,
water, water does not match there, mirage tricks!
In the middle of this world, you will not find happiness, the mirage is almost happiness,
this world is a desert! treasure gems etc,
There is no happiness at all, happiness is after all, look for it, brother!
If you give up selfishness by sacrificing friendship, if the thought for the next good is indefinite
Forgetting your own happiness and thinking about the next thing, wiping the next move next pain
You are lost in the midst of the poor,
sadness in the morning, afternoon and evening after the departure!
Only then will you get happiness inside the soul, whatever the which will get,
so will the workplace of the world!
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